Puglia, salt crusted, sand dusted
Wandering on some deserted dirt road in Puglia…
The sea is behind us…
Our skin crusted in salt…
Our feet dusted in sand…
Not a worry in the world… or maybe…? Wild figs are hanging low over the path. Heavy with anticipation of being picked.Â

In my hand they are soft as a baby’s bum. I stare how beautiful. How vibrant green. My mind starts wondering could I use it for our next colour dinner?
As I bite in the soft flesh, thinking how a fig can be so juicy in taste, so gentle in texture but yet when you look at it, it is seems completely dry? There is no water running out of it. The hairy bits frizz up the way my hair does without conditioner. I’m thinking fig salad with fresh fava beans and spirunilla cheese… but wait a minute! Is it green or is it pink? No matter how vibrant the shell, inside it’s actually fifty shades of pink!

is it pink or is it green???
Welcome to my new world… I can’t stop it!
In my head all food now needs a colour… black, green, pink, red, blue…. so I can store it and file it as ingredient for the next colour dinner…

beetroot gravlax with pink coleslaw, oh so pink baby!
Yes, you heard correctly! Together with my partner in crime from Cazcuisine, we create colour dinners!
Everything from what you wear to table decoration to drinks to of course the food is uniformly black, green, pink, red, blue, purple… you can’t imagine how colourful it is!
The concept: 10 random guests, 4 courses, 1 colour, chez moi, chez elle …
Nothing else to say than jump on Instagram, start following us @cazcuisinexhiddenhillhouse and book yourself a seat when the next date is announced!