Cuckoo? Coco? Nuts? Coconuts!


Phew I made it back in one piece. I’m quite the travel disaster I must admit. I’m an absolute expert in missing planes for every reason except for the reason of not being on time.

So when I was saluted goodbye to travel back from the USofA to home sweet AUofS the crew chimed in “do you have your passport?”

Boldly I dig it up from my bag and wave it out: “Bien sur que oui!”

Little did I know then that I was penniless!

Yes literally not a dime in my pocket! Oh that’s right; when you were trying to close your suitcase with all your forces you put your wallet “just for a moment” back in the cupboard. Oh that’s right, it’s still there. Oh that’s right I’m on the 4 hour train to New York! Ohoh, cuckoo!

coconut_2Aha a saving angel awaited me in New York with a couple of bucks, some oysters and a bloody mary! Lucky me, saved me from going nuts!

Talking about nuts. After a 24 hour trip, completely jetlagged, immediately back to work… how do you feel? Like you have just been in a washing machine maybe? Upside down, inside out? Dehydrated from the artificial air. Well mother nation brings us a solution.

Magical coconut water.

coconut_1The healing powers of coconut water are amazing and it definitely saved me from going cuckoo nuts. It has an unique composition of sugars, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and phytohormones. It’s not only the holy grail for rehydration but it is also used as an antidote, antioxidant, hormone replacement therapy and much more. Did you know that coconut water is even used in remote areas intravenously for rescucitation?

Now I’m not sponsored by any coconut brand. But I do believe in its powers for sure.

As a true naturalist I would like to tell you the only way to have it is on a beach, a hero climbing up the tree and get that ultimate fresh coconut. Oh yes oh yes, I did it! Excellente fantastico!

coconut_treeBut unfortunately not every one has the luxury of committing to such a cuckoo lifestyle. So I like the next best thing they have here in Sydney. Coconut water, keep me sane!


For the geeks amongst you this is a fun article about the powers of the coconut!

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1 Response

  1. Ohhh I love the stuff! The best is in India under the scorching sun vendors sell fresh coconut water on street corners- miss that! Hope you had a fun trip despite the mishaps 🙂

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